Readout electronics

The SDCM3 electronics is a versatile low cost, one-board solution for certain linear sensors and Hamamatsu micro spectrometers. It can be extended to a complete portable Bluetooth-device, using its Piggy-back board.

Supported sensors

  • S11639, S13496x, S8378 (CMOS)
  • G11620 (InGaAs)
  • C12880MA (Hamamatsu micro spectrometer)
SDCM3-flex for CMOS Sensor S11639
SDCM3-flex for CMOS Sensor S11639
SDCM3 for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, top
SDCM3 for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, top
SDCM3 for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, bottom
SDCM3 for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, bottom
SDCM3 for micro Spectrometer C12880MA, top
SDCM3 for micro Spectrometer C12880MA, top
SDCM3 for micro Spectrometer C12880MA, bottom
SDCM3 for micro Spectrometer C12880MA, bottom
SDCM3-flex for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, top
SDCM3-flex for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, top
SDCM3-flex for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, bottom
SDCM3-flex for CMOS Sensor S11639 with LAN Add-on, bottom


Electrical parameters

  • Power Supply via USB or 5 V external
  • Analog-Digital-Conversion: 16 bit, up to 5 MS/s* with programmable gain and offset
  • Trigger input and output, TTL compatible
  • Shutter/Lamp control output, firmware configurable
  • Flashlamp control with programmable length and interval timing
  • Stabilized 5 V output
  • 6 GPIO-Pins, 1 analog input (10 Bit)*, occupied by add-on board


  • USB-HighSpeed (3 Mbit/s, via virtual COM-Port)*
  • LV-TTL-UART (3 MBaud, 8N1)*
  • SPI (20 Mbit/s, Master/Slave)*


  • Dark counts, reference counts, transmission, absorbance, (pixelwise or in wavelength steps with pixel wavelength fit up to 4th order)
  • Readout configuration: averaging, oversampling, offset, gain, pixelrange, pixelbinning…
  • SCPI like control syntax, similar on all JETI electronics
  • Windows DLLs

Mechanical dimensions

  • 36 x 53 x 15 mm3
  • Flexible PCB version for remote connection to S11639 available on request

Features on Piggy-back board

  • Bluetooth 2.1 Class
  • 10/100 Mbit Ethernet
  • Micro-SD card
  • Single-cell LiPo battery support
  • 7-28 V external power supply
  • LED/Laser PWM output
  • Touch LC-Display on request

*maximum theoretical speed, practical values are application specific

Block diagram

Block diagram SDCM3
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