spectraval 1501-LAN

Spectroradiometer for process applications

JETI spectraval 1501-LAN is a spectroradiometer for measuring radiance in the visible spectral range.

Process applications demand a 100 % reliable function oft he measuring device under harsh conditions as an electromagnetically disturbed environment. Often there are small time periods between the measurements and the measurements have to be executed during many hours or days. A comparable application is the spectral measurement on a goniometer where hundreds or thousand of measurements have to be proceeded to get a precise Light Distribution Curve. This spectroscopy instrument is suited for such applications.


  • Compact solution
  • Fast measurement
  • Precise results due to high quality spectrograph and NIST traceable calibration
  • Convenient adjustment due to laser target circle
JETI spectraval 1501-LAN
JETI spectraval 1501-LAN
JETI spectraval 1501-LAN
JETI spectraval 1501-LAN
JETI spectraval 1501-LAN
JETI spectraval 1501-LAN
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