Recalibration and device service

In general, JETI offer recalibration and device service for each of our spectroradiometers and model series. For older models (production date before 2010) please contact us before sending in the device.

The calibration of JETI products is valid for one year. After this time it will not be guaranteed that the measuring results of the spectroscopy instrument are still within the indicated uncertainty. Therefore, it is recommended to return them regularly for recalibration and additional device service. Please note that we charge for devices older than ten years and whose last device service or recalibration was at least 5 years ago for increased effort to check the possibility of all required updates and the functional condition of the device.

Please note our shipment instructions BEFORE sending!

JETI offer the following service for all its products (also for older devices which are out of production):

Spectroradiometer (specbos 1xx1, spectraval 15x1)

  • Incoming inspection of the device
  • First measuring test
  • Mechanical and optical alignment test, if necessary readjustment
  • Firm- and software updates (USB drive will be replaced)
  • For models with built-in battery: Check the performance of the battery. If the performance of the battery no longer meets the requirements, it will be replaced.
  • Wavelength check and recalibration (low pressure discharge lamps HgAr, Cd, software JETI FitTool)
  • Sensitivity recalibration (included in software JETI LiVal, but password protected)
    • Spectral Radiance with OL 455 (Gooch & Housego, traceable to NIST)
    • Spectral Irradiance with OL 200/ UV 40 (Gooch & Housego, traceable to NIST)
    • Spectral Radiant flux with Wi40/G (Osram, traceable to PTB)
  • Automatic test measurements (3 times on 20 different spectra) to check device stability, device intercomparability and comparability to a reference unit (CS-2000 of Konica Minolta)
  • Issuing of the calibration certificate (please see downloads below)
Screenshot of JETI Fit Tool
Screenshot of JETI Fit Tool
specbos automatic test
specbos automatic test
specbos 4001 measuring set up
specbos 4001 measuring set up
Example of a JETI calibration certificate
Example of a JETI calibration certificate

Device check up

For older models (production date before 2010) a check up is necessary to ensure a recalibration can be done successfully.

The device check up includes the fit and calibration status. It means, we check during several measurements wheater the device is still within the measuring uncertainty and the wavelength accuracy by comparison of the values with the reference values. The device check up will not be invoiced if the recalibration is performed afterwards.

Please note, regardless of the year in which the device was produced: For devices whose last device maintenance or recalibration was at least 5 years ago, we charge for the increased effort to check the functional status of the device and whether all necessary updates (software, firmware) can be successfully installed.  You'll find this fee in  our offer.

Please contact us before sending in the device.

Spectrophotometer (specbos 2001, specbos 2101), OEM spectrometer

  • Mechanical and optical alignment test
  • Firm- and software update
  • Wavelength check and recalibration (low pressure discharge lamps HgAr, Cd, software JETI FitTool) → Screen shot see below
  • Linearity check (with software JETI VersaSpec)
  • Issuing of the calibration certificate (please see downloads below)

Spectrocolorimeter (specbos 4001)

  • Mechanical and optical alignment test
  • Firm- and software update
  • Wavelength check and possibly recalibration (low pressure discharge lamps HgAr, software JETI FitTool)
  • Sensitivity recalibration with White standard (traceable to BAM)
  • (included in software JETI Color, but password protected) → Screenshot JETI Color
  • Test measurements (3 times on 12 BCR tiles) to check device stability, device intercomparability and comparability to BCR values
  • Issuing of the calibration certificate (please see downloads below)
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